
What's new?

We're constantly growing and improving. Here's all the new products, features, and bug fixes we've shipped.


Manage client list in E-rate settings

BroadbandHub automatically associates E-rate entities with your organization based on your CRN or SPIN. When new activity in the E-rate program associates an entity with your organization, we automatically link this entity to your account.

But what about when I have a new client and I haven't filed any applications with them yet? I still want to see their data in my dashboard. You can now manage your list of Clients in the E-rate Settings in BroadbandHub.

The E-rate Settings page shows your organization's CRN(s) or SPIN(s) as well as the list of entities that we have associated with your account. Click on the "Link entity" button to enter in the client's Billed Entity Number (BEN). You will now see your new client along with your other clients in the dashboard.

Manage client list in E-rate settings


Manage organization users

We've added a number of features to the organization settings page to allow organization owners and admins to manage users and access. These changes include:

  • Ability to revoke outstanding invites
  • Ability to change an invited user's role
  • Added the "last signed-in" column to the organizations users table. This gives admins a better view to know if any users can be removed from the organization.
  • Ability to change joined user's role

Only users with the "Owner" or "Admin" roles can make these changes.

Manage organization users


Fixed issue with 471 documents not displaying

In a recent patch we fixed an issue preventing 471 documents from displaying properly. In the 'Documents' tab of the page for any 471 you should now be able to see the 471 application, its originating 470 application, and any RFP documents connected to the form.

Fixed issue with 471 documents not displaying


The new notes feature

Add your own notes to all your data pages to keep track of important information. This feature is available for E-rate Entities, 470s, 471s, FRNs, and Disbursements, as well as Rural Health Care Entities, Posted Services, and Funding Requests, and is coming soon to ECF 471s.

The new notes feature


Added E-rate FRN General Search Export

Exporting is now available in the E-rate FRN General Search page. Available export types are:

  • CSV
  • KML

More customizations and export types to come.

Added E-rate FRN General Search Export


Fixed missing data and formatting issues on FRN pages

Pending reason, FRN narrative, and bandwidth burstable speed are now all viewable for any FRN. Visit the 'Funding Request' tab for pending reason or narrative, or any line item in the 'Line Items' tab for burstable speed. Also fixed several issues with formatting of currency values.

Fixed missing data and formatting issues on FRN pages


Entity, Consultant, and Service Provider ECF 471s

You can now view all the Emergency Connectivity Fund Form 471 applications tied to any applicant, consultant, or service provider within the page for that organization. Just click the new 'ECF Form 471s' tab in the organization's page.

Entity, Consultant, and Service Provider ECF 471s


FRN Recipients of Service Export

This update allows you to export any FRN's recipients of service as a CSV or a KML to use in your own data or view in a map. Visit the "Recipients of Service" tab on any FRN and click your chosen export button on the right side to get started.

FRN Recipients of Service Export



E-rate Entity Line Item Funding Reports

View any applicant's Category 1 and Category 2 Line Item funding reports in the "Reports" tab of the organization's page. See product details, costs, discount percentage, and funding commitment request for all your organization's FRNs in one convenient location. More reports will be coming to the "Reports" tab soon.

E-rate Entity Line Item Funding Reports


E-rate Entity Map Export

Export an E-rate entity's map as a KML file to open in your favorite GIS application.

You can run this export with the following steps:

  1. Navigate to an entity's page
  2. Scroll down to the "Entity Map" section
  3. Click the "Export map as KML" button
E-rate Entity Map Export


E-rate Entity Consultants History

The new update adds a "Consultants" tab to an E-rate entity's page. The "Consultants" tab shows a history of all the consultants that have filed applications on behalf of the entity, listing each consulting firm, each funding year the consultant filed applications, and how many applications were filed.

E-rate Entity Consultants History


E-rate FRN Disbursements Summary

We added a summary view for each E-rate FRN on the "Disbursements" tab. This summary lists the following details:

  • Amount requested by the applicant
  • Amount committed by USAC in its funding decision
  • Total disbursed amount to date
  • Utilization percentage

The utilization percentage is calculated as the committed amount divided by total disbursed amount.

E-rate FRN Disbursements Summary